JUNE 5 ...Conclusion ...

We want to offer the last stone for Chiara;
the ideal she offers us is a real ‘way’for our life,personal and for the family.
Not always easy,sometimes ...(no many times...!!)with difficulties ,the necassity to start again ,to choose again how we want to live,which education we want to give to our children ,how to continue as couple...
We discover also during this year ,more about all the realisations in the Focolari movment.(social center,support at distance,micro credit and economy of communion,..)

Marielle:I have a little thing to share with you:
Sometimes in France ,with new families ‘ group ,we use to organise a small meeting like that :we saw a video (most of the time very long ,old ,and after we discuss...). I was able to have a not so well opinion of video of Chiara ,even if it’s Chiara speaking I’m sorry!!
But we realize here the modernity of the project of Chiara...in different realisations ,through the life in the Citadelle ..and through all the messages,the talk, the video...we could see during meetings..as Mary-Frances says:it’s so explosive and modern ... not necassary to be long !!...Congratulations for all the work with the translation,video...we hope to use more in our place in the future

another little :concerning the picture of Chiara,we use to see in your focolare ,houses,...
We didn’t have at home a picture of her ;I don’t know why ,but I always thought it was like put a symbol ,someone as an icone ,but not alive !!!!
And now she passed away, I would want to have a picture of her at home
(maybe not this one ...a litle bit too big !!) ,as someone of the family,Chiara alive in our way.

THANKS for all ...each of you.
we hope Casa Armonia in the futur will welcome other families,from Italy,US...or Philipine.It’s realistic ...even if it’s in the beginning it’s just a dream ...
just one day you ask yourself ‘why not ???’
And Ray we keep preciously your message:
TO BE and not just TO DO.