Mot de Loran

Mariapolis Peace !
Mariapolis Peace what a nice name for the citadella !...
but are you really sure that it’s the good name for the Citadella ?...
Imagine this place among the nice hills of Tagaytay,birds are singing in the morning and the sun rise is so splendid at 5.30 AM on Taal lake !
Imagine this peaceful place so silent and beautiful ...
He, no life in Mariapolis peace is only like this on Sunday morning from 5.30 to 7 when there’s no feast in Bukas Palad !
Bukas Palad ! the social center setting in the middle of the cittadella !
But BP is doing all the difference; instead of MP ,citadella becomes Mlife, Mmotions, Mlove,Mactive,Mgift,Mjoy, Mmeeting !!!
So it was my imagination ...end of the silence, the show must go on !!!the background is the same but life begins truly before 5.30 every morning with the roosters, the tricycle, fidele’s engine and then the children...the children of BP and their mothers, so happy to talk together loundly on the steps in front of my bedroom .Life is beginning, the day can start !
And then there are the gen girls who give appointement at 6 AM to go to the market joyfully with Amata and fidele who call in front of casa armonia cause he is waiting for them !
Then the pope are going up and down many times a day and if there is a meeting you know where is it ... in front of casa armonia !
One cannot bore or rest in casa armonia there is always somebody who ring the bell as many volonteers coming for a meeting and asking us to keep their bags at home I mean in casa armonia cause it was the place that they used before !
One can really say know that Mariapolis center is not anymore up but it’s truly here in the middle of the citadella in front of casa armonia where all the appointments take place !
I’m joking of course ! I can say that this year we really met a lot of people .And it was a big joy to learn a lot about Philippines, asian culture, and the love and family life we could live with the focolaris .It was unexpectable to have a so beautiful welcome last july and many acts of love from everyone ! Thanks a lot for all and ...see you soon for next adventures