Marielle ...the dialogue between different religion

This another stone it’s very important for me .
Before to come here ,in Mariapoli Peace ,I was a little bit afraid ...
you know a place with many practising Christians,who go to mass every day,I have thinken to see all the Pope more or less identical (manner of living ,manner of speaking ,manner of dressing ...)and also the best ...a Sisters’house at the end of the road !!!! (maybe they ‘ll try to enroll me !!!!).
I’m sorry if I could hurt anyone,but ... It was my feeling just before coming.
But as soon as we lived here in the Citadelle I realised that I had no fears to have.I discovered Pope very different ,with characters and who consider you at first as a person
For me it’s very important and it’s what I want to explain to my children :
And in the same time we discovered SOR , the place to dialogue with other religions ...and the dialogue with the persons without religion
Sometimes I could be shocked in this country very catholic.
One example :During a PT session I was explaining an exercise called ‘’the muslim prayer’’...and she told me ‘oh no,not that ,I’m not a muslim ,but with a very stong reaction !!
I was a little bit schocked...and my reaction may be to test her was to answer but I ‘m a muslim !She didn’t know how to answer ...after a moment I told her :I’m not but I ‘ve many close friends muslims ... and what is important is that you are Vica and I’m Marielle ,I consider you as a person who come every Tuesday to do PT,to do your best ...never mind your religion .Do you know mine ???
She answered me
‘Yes ,of course You’re Catholic ‘
The DIALOGUE with persons with others convictions is important ,but i think that at first to live ,as good as possible ,to see and to consider the
person without tag ,etiquette,consideration of religion ;Then thanks so much everybody to have see me as Marielle and not as a Non Christian .