Mot de Victor

One year in the Philippines ...
The fisrt day in the school, I was nervous ;because i didn’t know how
was school in the’s very different from the school in france!here, you wear uniformes, you don’t have sport,you have school the wenesday and you speak,the first day of the school ,i was nervous. I went to the office and i asked ,where is my classroom.
later, when i was in my classroom, i just listened to the classroom.
more and more i understand english.After two days i started to work, after two weeks, i had one friend and after two months, i almost speaked english.but every morning i was tired because, i wok up at 5:30 and in france i wok up at 7:30.
But I have one souvenir,In the first week of the school one of my classmate asked me “do you want to be my friend “? ...and I answered loran because I didn’t yet speaked well english and I thought that he was asking me the name of my father ...