JUNE 5 ,mot de Marielle

We ‘ve been living in the Mariapolis Center for almost 1 year already,with the whole family.We came from France where we are both physiotherapists.
We left our job for 1 year,our friends,family,classmates,different activities,a very nice group of new family... and a lot of projects we want to do ,to share ,to dream!!
One of our dream was to live one period abroad.
Not just to work,but to live a different experience.
While we were preparing to come to the Philippines,we tried not to imagine so much nor plan ,but to be free to accept any unforseen event

It was not so easy for me ...I like to plan ,to know whereI will put my feet ...
but finally ‘Let’s see’...and trust !!

Often people told us it’s difficult to live with a whole family in a different environment.
But we have realized that in every activity like to live this adventure we needed each other.It’s like a chain where every link is necessary and important.
From the desire to come here to the acceptance on the part of the Citadelle,the different events that continue to unfold.
In our job that accepted to be out one year,directors of schools who accept that the boys come back ,my sister who take care of all papers and administration , our neighboors ...etc
With the family we call our ‘special year’ TIME OUT ,as a break ,a different time,to live others things,to discover another country,to learn more about th Focolari movment.Ithink we have to change the ‘title ‘
this TIME OUT is definitivly a TIME IN IN the life
IN the reality
IN the present moment
IN the diversity of every one